Sunday, March 09, 2008

First Pics of Grace Jessica Butcher

Here they are the first pics of our new little princess Grace Jessica. Born 30th of January 2008, grace arrive one week and one day early after mummy was induced hoping to avoid the size kai was (which we did) Mummy and Daddy headed of to the hospital on tuesday arvo for the induction mummy was given two lots of gel during the night which cause a lot of tightning during the nite but no labour, in the morning when the dr came back mummy was about 2 and half centerments dilated so the dr borke mummys waters (this was at 8.15am) about half hour later mummy began to have coontractions after quite a short labour with a pain in the ass Male student midwife i arrive into the would at 1.07pm weighing a healthy 8 pound 3 oz, 51cm long and a head cercumfrance of 37cm


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