Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Big Boy using his new table and chairs

Drawing pictures at my table and chairs

eating Brekky at my table and chairs

Christmas pics (swimming)

We had our blow up pool out and kai love it he could stand and walk around all by himself, and even when his teeth were chattering he would scream when we made him hop out and try and climb back in once he warmed up a bit, he loved it so much he wouldnt even look at the camera to have his photo taken much to busy playing and having a good time

Christmas Pics (xmas food is yummy)

enjoying his last spoon full of chesse cake

Yummy i like this cheese and carrot stuff mum!

Kai Proved there is Reynolds in him he loved Nans Cheese cake

Christmas Pics (Opening my pressies)

Big Boy sitting at his table and chairs

This ones wrapped to good i cant get it undone :(

I wonder whats in this one

At first when i saw all the pressies i wasnt sure what to do should i go for it or will i get in trouble for touching them but once daddy showed me what to do i loved ripping all the warpers open, I got very spoilt i had ten pressies to open before i even left the house only 3 of them were from mum and dad (that was my table and chairs wraped in three sparate parcels)

Im a messy eater

This is what happens when you let me fed myself

Just some cute pics

oh can i play with the camera too mum

Im not up to anything in the kitchen mummy

When i grow up in gonna be fire man just like my daddy

Im not playing with the blind mummy

big smiles
Some pics of me just mucking around, when it just mum and me home

Blessing of the fleet

For the blessing of the fleet we had a pirate theme this is me dressed as a funky pirate, dont i make a cute pirate