Monday, September 17, 2007

My Mummy thinks im just so cute

Having so much fun playing with my duck

Pushing the toy bin across the room

Kai with his Pooh Bear

I got a Hair cut

After My hair cut (whos a handsom boy then?)
Before my hair cut

There are not pictures of me having my hair cut cause i cried and clung to my mum so ther isnt much diffrence we just cut round his ears a bit off his fringe and some off the back

Im Locked In

I can see you Nanna
We locked Kai in his room while the floor was being Mopped he is trying to escape

Me & My Mum

13 Months Old

Out For Dinner

Out for dinner With Mum, Dad (& Aunty Jess, Uncle Matt not pictured)
In Rockingham

Me & Dad on Fathers Day

Fathers Day 2006 (look how small i was)
Fathers Day 2007 (but now Im a big boy)

Me & Lucas

I love to hang with my little cousin Lucas but i cant pick on him to much no more cause now he can crawl he can get me back

My Bike (My Pressie from Mum and Dad)

Me and my big cousin Bohdi
My bike is so cool i wont stop smiling!