Monday, July 02, 2007

10 Months Old

Nothing Changes I am still a really messy eater at 10 months but the good news is i can eat so many more messy things now my fav part of the day is watching my mummy clean up after me.

Kai 10 Months Old

Im so Cute (dont you think)

Happy, got so many toys but what i love to play with most is daddys news papers and the junk mail that comes in the letter box

Eating Mummys Blinds
(they must taste good cause he trys to eat them all the time LOL)

Hanging out with my Dad
We have so much fun together

Okay now its time for my big news!!!
Im going to be having a little baby Brother or Sister in late jan or early Feb next year.
Mummy is about 10 weeks along i cant wait to be a big brother.