Sunday, December 17, 2006

Im so Cheeky

Ive got a cheeky grin Looking at my mummy while playing on my craw toy

Now I Can Sit Up

Look at me!!!!

See dont you just think im so cleaver i do!!!

I am very cleaver i have learnt a couple on new tricks this week, i have learned to sit up, how to grab my toes and my very latest trick i just learned tonight is how to roll from my back to my tummy, ive been rolling from my tummy to my back for 3 weeks, mummy is so proud of all the new things i can do

Now Mmmy and Daddy are getting very excited cause they think ill have to start crawling next (prob not as soon as they think!!!)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My Mummy Thinks im so Cute

Im a messy Eater

Talking to my Toys

Looking Cute after my shower with My Daddy

Im so cute and Inoccent

Smiling at my mummy after getting my nappie changed

Thursday, December 07, 2006

My First Swim

I went for my First swim on the weekend it was at South beach in Pt Denison it was very wet but i looked very cute in my bathers


This is me in my new clothes that Aunty Tracey brought for me

My cool new sunnies, they look so silly, thats how come there so cool

This photo shows my big beautiful smile
Mum was tring to get pictures of me rolling over but i wouldnt do my new trick for the camera so i just smiled cutely!!!