Wednesday, September 13, 2006


This is a picture of me with my big cousin Bohdi when him and Uncle Kenny came to visit

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

When Kai Was Born

Kai was born on Sunday the 6th of August 2006 at 7.51amhe weighed 9lb 12oz was 55cm long and had a head circumference of 38cmKristys labour started with some brakston hicks on saturday evening about 5pm but settled after Mum/Nan (Joyce) tolk her up to the hospital to get checked, then about 11pm she started to get some contractions but wasn't sure if she was in labour, about 1am on Sunday morning she rang Mum/Nan and mum decided she was most probly in labour so we headed for Geraldton Regional Hospital were Jeanette (the midwife) confirmed that Kristy was in labour, with Kristy not taking any Drugs she tried a few things during her labour to help with the pain but in the end decided that the shower was the best and spent quite a lot of time in there and only turned off the water and jumped on to the birthing stool just as Kai's head crowed soon after that Michael and Kristys BIG baby Boy was born What a Night!

Bath Time

Kai Loves Bathtime

Fathers Day

Daddy and Kai on Fathers Day

Kai Ross Butcher Family

Kai and Mummy

Kai and Poppy

Kai and Nan

Kai and Nanna Debbie