Monday, May 03, 2010

New Email Address

Hi All,
we have a new email address it is
please update your contact's list
Cheers Kristy & Michael
sorry if you got this twice not sure if it worked the first time i sent it

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Patio, New Carpet & Tiles

The Patio YAY


Dinning / Brekky bar

Lounge Room

Yet to put our bed room door back up

Master Bedroom

View from master bedroom french doors

A Hand rail & Gates to keep the kids in

No Patio is complete without a new BBQ

Veiw from the back yard. We are going to build a nice garden bed at the front of the patio (were the sand is) should look real nice once we do that.

Monday, September 08, 2008

FLOOR SANDING (getting ready for the tiles)

Helping mummy make chocolate cake

1st Time in the jolly Jumper


I can Roll onto my back now

Smiley Girl

Daddy and the Kids

Kai Holding Grace

Grace Jessica

Its so Hard to get a good pic of kai


Mummy & Grace

Kai & Grace Playing Together